Avista hosts Energy Fair at Emmanuel Family Life Center
Interested in learning more about energy efficiency and managing home energy bills? Check out the Avista Energy Fair, a free event that will be held this Thursday, September 26, from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the Emmanuel Family Life Center, 631 S. Richard Allen Court. Fair goers will see demonstrations of how to install energy efficiency materials and Avista is providing complimentary food and beverages, door prizes, and activities for the kids.
The Avista Energy Fair will offer demonstrations of ways to keep homes comfortable and safe for the winter ahead. Fair attendees can speak with Avista staff and learn first-hand about low-cost and no-cost energy efficiency tips. They’ll see how to install draft stoppers like rope caulk, window plastic and v-seal. Free samples of these and other materials to help people maximize energy efficiency in their homes will be given out at the fair.
In addition, Avista’s community partners will be on hand to provide information about services and resources they provide to the community. Scheduled to attend in Spokane are: Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington (ALTCEW), Bank On, Community Frameworks, Community Minded Enterprises, Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest, INHS Community Wellness, Kiemle & Hagood Company, Molina Healthcare, Money Management International, SNAP, Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency, and WorkSource.
“Each year our customers ask for help in managing their energy use and costs during the winter. It’s never too early in the year for us to offer a broad range of ideas and demonstrations that will help residents keep the warm air inside and the cold air outside their homes,” said Ana Matthews, Avista’s consumer affairs manager. “This event provides a great way for customers to conveniently access Avista’s many services. Information about payment options, energy assistance and energy efficiency will be especially helpful to those struggling to pay their bills.”
Avista is hosting a series of energy fairs this fall held in community centers throughout the region. To see the details and locations of the other fairs visit avistautilities.com. Avista will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations requested for individuals with disabilities. If accommodations are needed, please contact Lisa at Avista at least two weeks in advance of the event: 509-495-8024 or email AvistaOutreach@avistacorp.com.