Spokane Bike Swap set for April 13th-14th
The Spokane Bike Swap team and the Friends of the Centennial Trail are hosting the second annual event from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. on April 13th-14th at the Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. This is a non-profit gathering and a great venue to buy new and used bicycles and accessories. Anyone can sell their bikes at the event too. All used bikes are sold in the bike corral.
Bike check-in is Friday, from 3-8 p.m. To expedite check-in, your bike(s) can be registered online at www.SpokaneBikeSwap.com. Local bike shops and other vendors will be at the event as well. This is a one-stop shop to get ready for the bike season. They need bikes for this great event - especially children’s bikes! Have a bike in your garage your kids have outgrown or you don’t ride anymore? Call or email Len Zickler at (509) 720-3910 or lzickler@ahbl.com, to arrange for a pickup - no registration fee.
Voluneers are also still needed for this event. Go to mycommute.org to find out how you can help!