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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

City Of Tacoma partners with elementary school students for complete streets guide

Municpalities, take note. Streets are for all users and there's a voice that's often lost in the planning process: Kids.

The City Of Tacoma
reached out to the children of McCarver Elementary for their input on the future of two neighborhoods, Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Subarea and Hilltop respectively.

From the Congress For The New Urbanism: The project brought planning to the classroom with a series of activities including visioning exercises and charrettes that focused on neighborhood safety and what community meant to elementary school children. As part of these activities, children were asked to illustrate their ideas and these drawings were the inspiration for a complete streets primer specifically for the neighborhood where the school is located, called “35 Ways to Safer Neighborhood Streets”.

The complete street primer (available here) is a natural extension of the City of Tacoma’s award winning citywide complete street guidelines. The booklet covers 35 specific traffic calming treatments and programs available to the local community. The inspiration for the booklet came after seeing that many pictures that the school children had drawn were directly related to real engineering solutions that are used in communities around the country to ensure that traffic on residential streets stay at residential speeds.

Read the rest HERE

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.