SRTC looks to improve public outreach
The Spokane Regional Transportation Council wants to hear from you on, well, how to better hear from you.
Their Public Involvement Policy (PIP) has recently been updated with additional strategies for outreach to members of the public, particulary for minorities and low income populations. The draft document is available for public review and comment until Saturday, July 20, 2013.
Image courtesy of Lands Council.
The PIP guides how SRTC reaches out to the public to inform people of their activities and solicit input, and the resources used in this process. The primary goals of the PIP include:
- Articulating how the agency approaches public engagement.
- Ensuring early and continuous public involvement in major activities and decisions by SRTC.
- Receiving meaningful public input to guide the decision-making process.
Specifically, the PIP addresses how the public is notified of SRTC meetings, projects and activities; when and where public meetings are held; how public comments are handled; how access is provided to people with disabilities and those who speak limited English; and what materials, such as maps, brochures, videos, newsletters, etc., are used to promote and explain SRTC’s activities.
The Public Involvement Policy was last updated in 2008. Members of the public are invited to review it and suggest outreach methods or tools that may not have been recognized in the plan. The draft update can be viewed at or by contacting SRTC at (509) 343-6370. Comments can be submitted by emailing or mailing to SRTC at 221 W. First Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201.