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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Another Green Monday: Horizon 2040, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for Spokane County

The Spokane Regional Transportation Council is in the process of updating the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), Horizon 2040. The MTP is a long-term, multimodal “blueprint” for transportation aimed at meeting the mobility needs of the area through the year 2040. It is based on projections for growth in population, housing and jobs and takes into consideration every mode of transportation, from freight to bicycling.

When complete, Horizon 2040 will include recommended projects for each of those areas and explain how they can be funded in the future.  

There are many ways to get involved and one of the best is to take this survey. As SRTC says, because the transportation system is used by every single person in one way or another, it's important you let them know how you would like the transportation system to develop in the future.

After the jump, check out an inforgraphic on the Horizon 2040 timeline and a video about the plan.

Click HERE for a larger version.




Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.