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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Friday Quote: J. Edgar Hoover on the driving habits of communists

Here are the driving habits of communists, according to J. Edgar Hoover. Spending less on fuel, not idling...and using alternative transportation are not signs of The Red Menace. Phew! I was worried. To wit:

-Driving alternately at high and low rates of speed.

-Entering a heavily traveled intersection on a yellow light, hoping to lose any follower or cause an accident.

-Turning corners at high rates of speed and stopping abruptly.

-Suddenly leaving a car and walking hurriedly down a one-way street in the direction in which vehicle traffic is prohibited.

-Entering a dark street in a residential area at night, making a sharp U-turn, cutting into a side alley, and extinguishing the car’s lights.

-Driving to a rural area, taking a long walk in a field, then having another car meet them.

-Waiting until the last minute, then making a sharp left turn in front of oncoming traffic.

-Stopping at every filling station on the highway, walking around the car, always looking, then going on.

“Always there is the fear of being followed,” he wrote in Masters of Deceit (1958). “One Party couple registered at a motel, then the husband parked the car several miles away. He walked back and climbed through a side window. Maybe in this way he would conceal his next night’s lodging!”

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.