At least he isn't a denier. I went back to check his wisdom on twitter this morning. It included such gems as "I am now in your head and in your life, I command you to hug a stranger tomorrow or you will have bad…
Rain, rain go away. For the month of March, Spokane has set a rainfall record, creating quite the impact on our beloved river. In the last two days, 10 out of the 22 Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) were, well, overflowing with sewage and stormwater. This…
The Spring Recreation Activity Guide has arrived! Check it out here and save the date for a few big events this season including the Wine, Ride & Dine, and Bridge Walk! Wine, Ride & Dine continues to grow in popularity; we've added extra dates so…
DJ Steve Porter is known for his remixes of infomercials and press conferences. He teamed up with the Sierra Club and their Beyond Coal campaign for the video below to help raise awareness for coal alternatives.<br /> <br />
It's true: Compared with other industrialized countries, our country pays less at the pump. We pay about half of what Europeans pay. They cough up roughly $8.50 per gallon (or $2.25 per liter). Don't get excited. The true price of gasoline is not what you…
I would be remiss not to mention World Water Day without mentioning our very own local water hero, the Spokane Riverkeeper. Here's an eloquent letter he penned to the Spokesman to mark the occasion: World Water Day is March 22, and this year it should…
You say it's World Water Day? Well, happy World Water Day to you! Annually held on March 22nd, the theme this year is "Water and Food Security." Check this video interview with Pasquale Steduto, Deputy Director of FAO's Land and Water Division, explains why his…
In regards to the Eastern Mission Flats Repository, the Silver Valley Community Resource Center has some serious criticisms against the EPA. Now, they’re calling on the closure of the Mission Flats Repository citing a lack of evidence that, in some ways, it is doing more…
Tomorrow there's a hearing on the proposal to expand Spokane County's already outsized Urban Growth Area when the Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials meets from 9am to noon in the Spokane County Public Works Building, 1026 W Broadway Ave. Arrive after 8:30 a.m.…
Check out this beautiful short film, called “Blind,” which imagines what would happen if the gas masks that many Japanese bought after Fukushima had ended up being necessary in Tokyo. It's a terrifying experience.
It has been a year since the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the effects are still evident. This week, I will be focusing primarily on what has changed, nuclear energy, and how the disaster in Fukushima could impact Washington state sooner than we think.…
The Inland Northwest Land Trust has some excellent volunteer opportunities coming up that will help restoration plantings along Latah Creek on properties conservedby INLT. INLT is not only working to protect the estimated 6 miles of stream that flow through these properties from development and…
Exciting news from the University Of Idaho: Growing opportunities for agritourism and local food production with a focus on farmers markets will be the goal for the two-day workshop Marketing Idaho’s Harvest planned March 23-24 at the University of Idaho. The workshop offers an opportunity…
"Unless someone like you...cares a whole awful lot...nothing is going to get better...It's not." - The Lorax I grew up loving The Lorax by Dr. Suess. Explains a lot, eh? Dr. Seuss, speaking through the Lorax, warned against the dangers of progress and what it…
It’s hard to believe, but Bart Mihailovich and I have been doing our weekly KYRS radio show for over two years now. It’s been a wonderful experience, and we look forward to many more years to come! As I’m sure you’ve heard, we're about halfway…
Unused pools have so many uses. Think back to 1970's, Southern California. In Dogtown and Z-Boys, the City Of Los Angeles made an official declaration of a drought that meant swimming pools had to be emptied of water. Taking advantage of this, the Z-Boys got…