Congress blocks black-lung protections
Oh those House Republicans. The latest: They are trying to block efforts to protect coal miners from black lung disease. It was only yesterday the Center for Public Integrity released a report showing that black lung is returning.
From the Charlotte Gazette: House Republicans are seeking to extend their measure that blocks the Obama administration from moving forward with a new rule aimed at combating the resurgence of deadly black lung disease, which experts say has reached epidemic proportions in the Appalachian coalfields. …
If approved, the language would forbid [the Mine Safety and Health Administration] from using any funds from its budget to finalize its October 2010 proposal to tighten legal coal-dust limits and improve other protections for miners.
They also say it's the miners fault for not protecting themselves, sidestepping any accountability for the industry in favor of profits.
Letting the mining companies to victimize miners while they fail to meet standards and provide safe working conditions is criminal. Maybe "mining safety" is just an oxymoron. But that's where we're at: Some politicians want to be an accessory to the criminal behavior of the coal mining companies.