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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth archive for Aug. 2012

FRIDAY, AUG. 31, 2012

THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 2012

TUESDAY, AUG. 28, 2012

MONDAY, AUG. 27, 2012

FRIDAY, AUG. 24, 2012

THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 2012

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22, 2012

TUESDAY, AUG. 21, 2012

MONDAY, AUG. 20, 2012

Another Green Monday: SpokeFest!

Let’s keep Spokane rolling. It's time to get psyched about another upcoming cycling event: The Fifth Annual SpokeFest on September 9th. Starting in Spokane’s downtown and finishing at SpokeFair in Riverfront Park, SpokeFest riders will travel along some of the region’s most memorable roads. This…

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FRIDAY, AUG. 17, 2012

Life expectancy increases through the northwest

Check out this report from the Sightline Insitute that says despite economic woes, northwesterners' health as improved. Focusing on the area of "Cascadia" - Washington, Idaho, Oregon, western Montana, northern California and British Columbia - they find that lifespans have grown to 80.5 years—an increase…

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THURSDAY, AUG. 16, 2012

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, 2012

Spokane burn ban in effect

We've been hearing a lot about raging wildfires across the country including Central Washington where hundreds have been evacuated. Because of the hot and dry conditions, specified outdoor recreational fires, including campfires, have been restricted in the City of Spokane effective yesterday by order of…

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TUESDAY, AUG. 14, 2012

Meet Paul Ryan

Beyond making sweater vests creepy again and brilliant fake twitter accounts, there's an underlying streak of controversy with Paul Ryan that has large implications for environmental policy. We all know by now about the Ryan budget but his votes as a Congressman paint a picture…

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MONDAY, AUG. 13, 2012

FRIDAY, AUG. 10, 2012

Friday Quote: "Why I Ride A Bike"

No, it’s not because I’m trying to save the planet. It’s because I’m selfish. I bike commute between the Central District and downtown five days a week, all year long, and I also ride occasionally to do errands or go out. And I do it…

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THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2012

July 2012 was the hottest month ever

As reported yesterday, July was the hottest month ever recorded in the Lower 48 states, breaking a record set during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. The U.S. also kept setting records for weather extremes, including drought, heavy rainfall, unusual temperatures, and storms. The average…

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Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.

Blog Archives

Aug. 2012
31 30 28 27 24
23 22 21 20 17
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