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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Tuesday Video: Washington Policy Center takes on Envision Spokane

You can read their policy note HERE. While I don't support Proposition 1, I don't agree with the Washington Policy Center's stance and rhetoric either. In their policy note, on the health care statute in the proposition, their anti-labor stance takes some cheap shots as they write "collective bargaining is a series of secret negotiations between an employer and labor union executives" and then attack Gov. Gregoire's budget as an example. It was a curious pick that seemed much less about Prop 1 but rather a boost for gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna.

They also write, the Spokane City Council should've blocked these resolutions from ever making it to the ballot and disses councilmembers for voting against two ballot advisory initiatives aimed at confusing voters on Prop 1.

Well, that's not how that works. It's up to the voters. Should a municipality add advisory language for an initiative it doesn't agree with? No. Also, Washington State Law doesn't allow City Council to advocate for or against a ballot item during a council meeting but I guess the Washington Policy Center believes in bending the rules.

Down To Earth

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