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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Solution to save WIC funding from budget cuts

Two weeks ago I mentioned the unfair cuts to agriculture
, specifically to WIC funding. Here’s your chance to speak out. For a little background, the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (WIC FMNP) provides vouchers to low-income mothers and children to purchase healthy fruits and vegetables directly from farmers at farmers markets. This program secured $613,000 in federal dollars last year.

The problem is Governor Gregoire’s budget maintains the program for 2011, but then it eliminates all funding for the program in 2012.  Without a state program the federal funds will go to a different state.

Here’s the request: Transfer $50,000 from 2011 funds into 2012 funds. This will not change the Governor's budget BUT it will restore the program for 2012. And it keeps federal dollars coming to Washington State for fresh, local fruits and vegetables for low-income kids.

Download this flyer for more information.

Couple of figures regarding the WIC-FMNP:

-767 farmers participated in WIC-FMNP last year

-WIC FMNP served more than 54,000 low income Moms and kids

-WIC-FMNP brings $$ into our state. WIC FMNP leveraged $613,000 federal dollars for fresh l0cal fruits and vegetables
Do you want to be an endorser? The Washington Sustainable Food and Farming Networks (WSFFN) needs the names of Farms, Farmers Markets and Organizations that Endorse WIC FMNP. So far they have:

WSFFN, Lutheran Public Policy Office of Washington, WA State Farmers Market, Association Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition, Nutrition First, Northwest Harvest, Food Lifeline, Within Reach, Children's Alliance, Catholic Charities of Spokane, South Perry Farmers Market, Ornery Heron Farm,  Seattle Farmers Market, Tacoma Farmers Market,  Proctor Farmers Market, Tilth Producers of Washington.

Please add your name to the growing list of supporters! Download the endorsement form and email back to Ellen Gray at

Call Olympia at 1-800-562-6000 to support the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (WIC FMNP).

I urge you to get involved. Small farms, community oriented businesses and those who struggle with food insecurity and feeding their kids well all need your help.


Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.