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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

There’s never a link between climate change and extreme weather

Readers might recall Bill McKibben's sarcastic op-ed piece in the Washington Post about the link between climate change and tornadoes, describing the weather as the "new normal." Somebody put together a video to accompany McKibben's piece that you can watch above. The most telling excerpt: 

It's far smarter to repeat to yourself the comforting mantra that no single weather event can ever be directly tied to climate change. There have been tornadoes before, and floods -- that's the important thing. Just be careful to make sure you don't let yourself wonder why all these record-breaking events are happening in such proximity -- that is, why there have been unprecedented megafloods in Australia, New Zealand and Pakistan in the past year. Why it's just now that the Arctic has melted for the first time in thousands of years. No, better to focus on the immediate casualties, watch the videotape from the store cameras as the shelves are blown over. Look at the news anchorman standing in his waders in the rising river as the water approaches his chest.  

As I posted about those politicans who make a spectacle of denying climate change this morning,
it makes the video and the complacency to deal with the issue, all the more maddening.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.