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Down To Earth

Another Green Monday: Stories Of The Year

I know I'm a bit late on this but similar to last year, I dug up the most-read stories of 2010 according to Google Analytics. Hey, I'm already way over 2011, so whatever.

Most of the stories involved bikes, election coverage, and once again, the 7 Wonders of Spokane remains popular two year after publication with more than a 1,000 page views. Elsewhere on Down To Earth, I was especially thrilled wiith the coverage of the Gulf Oil Spill from our new columnist Paul Haeder and Marc Gauthier in "Dispatches from a Disaster.". It's something I often return to and hope the series finds a way to be shared in book form. It's especially relevant after the NY Times story chronicling the desperate hours leading up to the spill and the decision to open back up deep seal oil drilling. And readers show much love for a multi-media feature on Pedals2People.

You might've noticed a recent trend in transit and Spokane River coverage and you can expect that to continue in 2011. And climate change. But thanks to all of you - readers and commenters - you keep this fun and I'm very excited to keep covering environmental news in the Inland Northwest. (Check 2009 top stories here.)

Withour further adieu, in no particular order:

Cyclist Death In Spokane

Another Green Monday: Initiative I-1107

Why I'm Voting Republican

New Bike Infrastructure Downtown

Senske and Sensibility

Another Green Monday: Is the third time a charm for Rossi?

Environmental Assesement: Tar Sand Shipment Through Idaho and Montana

Day 3 Paul: Curb Your Schmolsonian (My favorite. Just search "Schmolson" on the blog. You won't regret it.)

A Time For Choosing

10 Startling Global Warming Facts From 2009

Urgent Support: Earth Hour and Mayor Verner

I will keep this short and sweet. Instead of posting a few stories you might've missed I would like readers to check out Tim Connor's story on the tragic shootings in Arizona: "Like a lot of other people Saturday afternoon I found myself in front of a television set trying to figure out what was happening in Tucson. By the numbers, there have been more devastating modern tragedies. The 9/11 attacks come to mind, the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in late 2004 as well. But, honestly, what happened Saturday was even more sickening."

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.