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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Boots, camera, action!

Conservation Northwest is known for keeping it wild... with a little bit of fall hiking and tree-planting. There are two guided hikes to proposed wilderness for free and include an 8 am carpool option from Spokane. Enjoy great camaraderie and writing a letter for wilderness from the trail. To sign up for a hike, contact Crystal Gartner at (509) 570-2166 for details about where to meet.

-Saturday, Sept. 25th Jungle Hill Day Hike - Bring your camera and join Conservation Northwest for this challenging, 5-mile hike in the Columbia Highlands between Kettle Falls and Republic for panoramic views from a quiet trail through secluded wildlife habitat.

-Saturday, Oct. 9th Columbia Mountain Lookout Day Hike - This moderate, 8-mile hike leads to a 6,780-foot summit with a recently restored historic fire lookout and sweeping views of the Kettle Range when the western larch turn golden.

-Saturday, Oct. 2nd Tree Planting Party - Volunteers will revegetate a decommissioned Forest Service road in key wildlife habitat in Pend Oreille County. Bring sturdy shoes, long pants, at least two liters of water and a lunch. To sign up, contact Aaron at (509) 389-5514 or click here for details.

Also, become a fan of Conservation Northwest and Columbia Highlands Wilderness on Facebook to stay in tune as they work to protect wilderness and working lands.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.