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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

“Why I’m Voting Republican”

Vote. You know you want to. Is your ballot sitting on your kitchen counter? Not sure what to fill in? You have until November 2nd. Be informed. Be involved. Stay tuned for more coverage at Down To Earth. Follow Spin Control, check the current Inlander, the small yet mighty Spovangelist, and new blog on the block, The Spokanite.

Even Shallow Cogitations is getting in the spirit with "Why I'm Voting Republican":

Since air quality has improved so much we can afford to be lax for a while. The science of climate change should take place among independent researchers we agree with and not the independent researchers who overwhelmingly agree that climate change is primarily man made. Agriculture in Washington is very important, but even though people don't eat trees that shouldn't prevent us from harvesting as many as we want.

Transportation is extremely important, especially if we repeal growth management. People living well away from city areas where their jobs are need multi-lane roads to drive their suburban assault vehicles on until we run out of gas.

How can I not support all that?

Ha. And then read "Why I'm Voting Democrat." Of course.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.