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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Conservation Futures nominations move forward…now we wait

I’m reading this list of U.S. cities that have the best accessibility to nature. Portland. Bend. Bozeman. And no Spokane.


Last Tuesday I attended a Conservation Futures public meeting at the IMAX. The theater was packed.  Spokane County park staff took input on the thirty-six individual properties submitted for consideration as future public open space areas that will provide outdoor recreation opportunities. ( Erika Prins has an excellent cover story at Out There Monthly called the Future Of Conservation Futures.)  They are all beautiful - areas of land from a Williams Lake plunge pool – a unique Ice Age flood formation - to Liberty Lake to Beacon Hill and a six-acre addition to the Centennial Trail near the Kendall Yards development. And there’s too many. Next month, the Land Evaluation Committee will produce a prioritized acquisition list and forward to the Parks Advisory Committee – then to the County Commission in a December hearing. Maybe 3 to 5 will get ultimately get chosen. It's a tough call but a testament to the popularity of the program and how much access we have in Spokane County, in addition to the close proximity to our city, even within.

Take a tour of the nominated properties HERE.

As of 2009, the Conservation Futures Program has acquired over 5,000 acres through 26 acquisitions.  Spokane County Parks and Recreation manages 13 different properties as Conservation Areas while the City Parks Department manages an additional 11 properties in city limits.  These conserved lands include wetlands, wildlife habitats and corridors, farmlands, steep hillsides, river corridors, viewpoints and other open space areas.

It’s something every outdoor enthusiast should track and a program that ranks Spokane at the top of any list for getting outside. 

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.