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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Disaster Film Award

Yesterday we posted a gripping documentary called Dark Horizon: A Documentary about the Gulf Oil Disaster that was shot in May by filmmakers from GreenerMedia who traveled from Brooklyn to New Orleans to document the struggles people directly affected by the Deepwater Horizon disaster were facing.  And throughout the last 30 days or so we've talked about the film local filmmaker and DTE correspondent Marc Gauthier is working on following his few weeks along the Gulf Coast where he gathered his own independent data, observations, interviews and conclusions about the trajedy.

Hopefully this is only the beginning.  The truth needs to come out.  People have stories that need to be told.  And credit needs to be paid to those who are dedicating their lives to righting this wrong.  Enter the explore/HATCH Disaster Film Award. 

The explore/HATCH Award is the product of teaming with HATCHfest out of Bozeman, Montana to champion the selfless acts of others through a film competition.  "The award will be given to a filmmaker who best tells the story of a remarkable individual’s actions in response to a devastating environmental event. From a woman who adopted orphaned children after the tsunami to a captain and his crew that saved the 115 survivors of Deepwater Horizon, we want to see how you define heroism in the face of catastrophe while inspiring others."

If you're interested in submitting a film, or know someone that might be, check out this page for more information.  HATCHfest is September 22 - 25 in beautiful Bozeman, MT. 

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.