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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Transportation Vision Project: Bike/Ped

Last night DTE attended the bicycle/pedestrian part of the SRTC Transportation Vision Project facilitated and featuring a presentation by Portland consultants MIG Inc. For all the regional momentum in regards to bike/ped opportunities, the attendance was surprisingly low - about sixteen people showed up even though thirty RSVP’d. However, that doesn’t diminish the importance of the conversation as the project continues to discuss regional transportation planning and its link between economic development, land use, growth management, and environmental sustainability. It was great hearing about the progress Spokane Valley is making as they seek input on a Master Bike/Ped plan and their City Council just approved a grant for bike facilities on Broadway Ave. SRTC quickly posted a recap of the meeting and here are some brief points from their write-up to take home:

- 30% of the workforce in the Spokane region is over the age of 55, and with the economy the way it is, those people will be working for a while longer. That means we need to prepare the transportation system for a large aging population through options like transit improvements and complete sidewalks systems.

- There are six areas in the City of Spokane's Master Bike Plan that show planning for
bicycle boulevards.

- Removing parking lanes makes more room for bike lanes, but in many areas reduces revenues for municipalities.

- Older people tend to drive very close to the white lane on the right, making it uncomfortable for bicyclists.

- One rider was told by a driver that it wasn't healthy for him to be riding his bicycle as he could get hit by a car. Seems ironic doesn't it...

- Doctors in New Mexico are writing prescriptions for people to walk to improve their health and are giving them specific trails to walk.

- Long boards are becoming more common as a form of transportation. Many people are riding them in bike lanes, although it's not clear yet where the best place for the boards are.

Do businesses really lose money from removing a parking lane? Are long boards more prevalent? Wish you could’ve been there to speak up! Stay tuned for the next project event. Your voice matters.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.