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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth archive for Jan. 2010

FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 2010

Wasting our Waterways - an Environment Washington report 

In a report released yesterday afternoon from Environment Washington, a statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization, it was announced that industrial facilities dumped more than 193,000 pounds of toxic chemicals into the Yakima, Pend Oreille and Spokane rivers. The report, "Wasting Our Waterways: Industrial Toxic Pollution…

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Friday Quote 

"The worst thing that happened there is they ran out of caviar." - DTE enemy #1 Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe.While we usually enjoy bashing Senator Inhofe and everything that comes out of his mouth, this particular quote comes from a very fascinating report from CBS…

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THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 2010

The State Of The Union

President Obama’s first State Of The Union address was a reminder that he is such a gifted speaker. Thoughtful, deliberate and persuasive, and at times acknowledging the partisan rancor that has distorted issues, he focused primarily on jobs. He defensively said change wasn’t easy. He…

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Lithium mining: cleaner than coal, but.... 

Big news out of the automotive world last week as a sister company to Toyota Motor secured a lithium supply deal in Argentina that could help the world's largest automaker keep its lead in gasoline-electric hybrid cars.Immediately we were prompted to ask, "at what cost?"Any…

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 27, 2010

The Climate Killers

Sounds like a horrible Nicolas Cage movie doesn't it?But it's in fact the brilliant, funny, and very sad cover story of a recent Rolling Stone issue where they look at the "17 polluters and deniers who are derailing efforts to curb global warming." From Warren…

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TUESDAY, JAN. 26, 2010

Coal in the West

If the story of coal in the west was a movie plot, the start of 2010 would definitely be considered the third act - the climax - the moment which marks a change for better or for worse. The Copenhagen climate conference ended 2009 leaving…

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Meet the Sierra Club's next Executive Director

We know many of our readers are also involved in many great organizations working on environmental justice, conservation issues, environmental protection, and just generally a heightened awareness about the issues we talk about most on DTE. So we felt it important to bring you some…

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MONDAY, JAN. 25, 2010

Another Green Monday 

Remember this image? Hard to imagine that's what our wonderful city looked like this time last year. But hey, if you're nostalgic for the past, call a friend or relative in the Midwest or the East Coast and talk about wild winter weather. It's been…

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SUNDAY, JAN. 24, 2010

Complete Streets needs you

It's Sunday morning and you know what that means. Fill up your cup of coffee, gather your thoughts, and do what's right for Spokane. Yep, that's right. It's time for another installment of "Contact Your Representatives." This time the Spokane County Commissioners need to hear…

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FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 2010

Friday Quote

"Men anpil, chay pa lou" - a Haitian proverb which translates as "Many hands lighten the load." Today's quote has little environmental meaning as our Friday Quotes tend to. Though it has universal meaning that can be applied to an array of situations. And obviously…

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THURSDAY, JAN. 21, 2010

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 2010

Yacht Rock, part deux 

It’s not often we get to say this but there’s good news concerning the Blackwell Island controversy: As part of the Marine Yacht Club expansion, which involves dredging the lake bottom, a revised plan will move contaminated sediments from a floodplain where Lake Coeur d’Alene…

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Tango in Detroit

*Disclaimer, we apologize for having to link to the video of Jay Leno below. We're with Coco.Rocking on Electric Avenue at the Detroit Auto Show a few weeks back, Spokane's very own Tango electric car - a "chick magnet" according to inventor Rick Woodbury -…

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Raj Patel vs. Stephen Colbert

We have a complicated relationship with Stephen Colbert. He is funny. Very funny. His act properly skewers the hysteria and outrage of today’s ratings motivated TV pundits, left (Olbermann, Maher) and right (O’Reilly, Beck). But it’s also a sad state of media affairs when a…

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Spokane River conference

DTE’s commitment to the Spokane River, tinged with hope and frustration over the last two years since we launched, has become total. And this is a can’t miss event for those who share that commitment. On March 22-23, the annual Spokane River conference will be…

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TUESDAY, JAN. 19, 2010

The ultimate green tip

Do you check out our "Daily Tips" each day? Did you know you could sign up to receive them as an RSS feed? And for all you bloggers out there, did you know that you could add our daily tip widget to your blog or…

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Tuesday Video

We linked to this video yesterday in our Another Green Monday intro, but because it's so important and also so relevant, we decided it needed to stand alone. Weeks before the 7.0 earthquake devastated Haiti, two New York Times reporters chartered a plane and flew…

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MONDAY, JAN. 18, 2010

Spokane happenings 

There's a lot going on this time of year - we were just talking about how last year it seemed like people really hunkered down in the winter and not much happened. But maybe that's because we were buried. Either way, there's a lot happening…

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Another Green Monday

Like many of you the last week, we've been following and deeply saddened by the devastating news in Haiti. Such a tragic event to a people and a nation seemingly prone to misfortune. But it didn't have to be that bad. Sure, an earthquake of…

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Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.

Blog Archives

Jan. 2010
29 28 27 26 25
24 22 21 20 19
18 15 14 13 12
11 08 07 06 05
04 01