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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Ride on Valley

The wheels continue to turn on the Spokane Valley's ambitions to develop a Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan.  We first got word of this plan in January (thanks OutThere Monthly) when they announced they were working to develop a public outreach program to ensure that the plans represent the needs and desires of citizens.  And last week we were contacted by representatives in the City wishing for us to put the word out asking if any interested parties would like to be added to the Planning Department's contact list for updates regarding the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan.  If so, please contact Mary Swank at 509-720-5325 or at for more information.

Here's a little of what they sent: "We are fortunate to live in a city where "for the most part" streets connect, congestion is minimal, the terrain is fairly level and weather is manageable most months of the year. For these reasons, biking and walking is a viable alternative mode of transportation in the City of Spokane Valley. To capitalize on these assets, the City of Spokane Valley will prepare a Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) over the next year identifying opportunities and constraints throughout the City. This process will include an assessment for safety and use of existing routes and facilities. The anticipated time of completion for the BPMP is summer 2011. Implementation of identified and prioritized work projects will occur after adoption."

We will continue to keep you up to date on what's happening with this plan, and ways to help out and get involved.  In the meantime, stay tuned as preliminary information will be presented at an open house to be scheduled for the first quarter of this year.  And information regarding the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan will be available on the website as it is developed, so check back often. They’ve already posted some cool maps and a work program (see more after the jump).

Work Program to Date:

Task 1: Identify and Gather Existing Data
Task 2: Public Outreach and Development of Goals and Objectives
Task 3: Connectivity Assessment
Task 4: Review Bike Advisory Committee Recommendations
Task 5: Develop Street Classification Criteria and Apply to Network
Task 6: Prepare Master Plan Report
Task 7: Physical Improvements
Task 8: Identify Future Funding Mechanisms

BPMP Timeline
Staff anticipates the development of the BPMP will take 16 to 18 months

Public Meetings and Open Houses are scheduled to begin in spring 2010

Existing Bike and Pedestrian System
Arterial Street Plan
WSU Sidewalk Inventory

Mike Basinger, AICP, Senior Planner 509-720-5331
Mary May, AICP, Development Engineering 509-720-5330
Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Planner 509-720-5033
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Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.