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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Tuesday Video: Environmentalism is a plot to take over the world

This video just confirms something I've known all along: There's a divide between evangelicals on climate change. (I know you were thinking I was trying to take over the world.) A minority believe the bible teaches us to look out for the poor and be good stewards which means reduce emissions while the bigger call climate change a fairy-tale. A new 12-disc DVD series about the threat of the "Green Dragon" goes as far to say "Around the world environmentalism has become a radical movement. Something we call the Green Dragon. And it is deadly. Deadly to human prosperity, deadly to human life, deadly to human freedom. And deadly to the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Who wants a Green Dragon tattoo for Christmas?

A few more key quotes:

Its lust for political power now extends to the highest global levels. And its twisted view of the world elevates nature above the needs of people, of even the poorest and the most helpless. 

As a former pastor, I'm always on the alert to threats to the Christian faith. And make no mistake about it, environmentalism is exactly that. It is its own religion.

Environmental science simply does not have a good track record -- not at all. Their false assertions are based more on their own morbid, pessimistic fears, not on any good science.

And scaring little children to achieve your political ends is reprehensible.

Again, evangelicans do want to tackle climate change. According to Slate, the "creation care" movement has grown and are meeting on how best to wield its influence with Republicans in Congress, Godspeed.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.