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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Earth Turners Convergence: Art, activism, worms, dance parties and more awesome

Spokane's very own Youth Sustainability Council started rocking a series of Spring Break workshops yesterday called "Earth Turners Convergence" that will continue through Friday. This is a diverse series of events and topics ranging from working on your resume to learning how to compost. And a chance to go to a dance party. As the Council says “Because, really, who doesn't like a dance party?”

DTE won’t argue.

There’s so much happening at this event it boggles the mind courtesy of Spokane’s best and brightest. Check the Spovangelist post - the blog now features talented new authors - and the YSC blog. You can RSVP on Facebook. Schedules below for remaining events.

Thursday 4/1: 11 AM- Fair Trade- what is it? Why is it GREAT? Check out local fair trade store Kizuri to see it in practice!

12 PM- Build your Resume- Ben Cabildo, local business incubator extraordinare, will show you how to make your life and work experience look awesome to employers

2 PM- Re Fashion-- Local designer Lexi Carr will guide you in creating a new look out of old, unwanted clothes. Bring an idea or just a couple old t-shirts and make the magic happen!




3:45 PM-- What it takes to be an entrepreneur--Again the amazing Ben Cabildo will talk to us about what it takes to start your own business: creativity and elbow grease!

5 PM- Activism and Art with Gabriel Brown--Our favorite local garbologist will speak about the role of art in activism and help spark ideas for the Transcendence Project and future work.

After that: Come and paint the walls, plant a garden, and turn trash into beautiful art in an abandoned downtown building!

Friday 4/2: **All workshops take place at New Madison Apts. in the Transcendence Project space**

11 AM: Rights-based organizing with Brad and Kai of Envision Spokane--Why do corporations have the same rights as people? How can you effectively control what happens in your neighborhood? And MORE...this is not one to miss!

2 PM: Writer's Workshop--Communicating your thoughts well in poetry or prose is key to getting anything done in a community. Learn how to let your creativity do the talking.

3:30 PM: Wrap Session and Open Discussion: Talk about what you've learned, what you'd still like to learn, and plot a Spokane take over! Just kidding, sort of.

5:30 PM: Worm composting with Mariah McKay: Worms CAN eat your garbage! And turn out a valuable product! Learn how to build a bin and get your garbage compostin'!

7 PM: Join the YSC and friends at a PICNIC POTLUCK in our Transcendence space. Meet new friends and enjoy the art.

10 PM-- DANCE PARTY! Because, really, who doesn't like a dance party?

For more information and registration, check out our blog or get in touch with us:

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.