Day 5 Paul: San Francisco
Babyface won. Ha! Despite Remi’s best efforts he now must hold his head in shame for I painfully waited until 12:01am out of nothing more than pure spite to enjoy my first non-local choice: One bottle of Chimay. And it was totally worth it. After all, the last hours had required Trappist-like discipline, as contrary to numerous accusations not even one drop of water was consumed which of course would’ve been a disqualification. Either I need help or it’s time to party like a monk. I’ll choose the latter. Chimay. Nectar of the Gods.
Geneva and, maybe Remi, a gift awaits from Victoria Pastry for all of your hard work in putting this together. It was the best 7 vs. 7 so far, very informative and challenging, making us all rethink what eating local means. Stay tuned for the next series.