Day 4 Paul: Footloose
I’m still here and I’m loving every minute of it!
Here's a brief update. Breakfast: Apples and peaches. Lunch: Leftover pork and potatoes. I get lots of hungry looks from jealous co-workers. Afternoon snack before The Flying Irish: Three eggs, over easy. It’s hilarious to walk downtown and randomly bump into a contestant at Pig Out In The Park. “I’m out!” he says like he just received the “Get Out Of Jail Free Card.” Or to have a friend yell, “I believe in you!” at O’Doherty’s. “Dude, to hell with San Francisco!” I always forget people read the internet. Hey, all it takes is one. (Besides the man in the mirror.) Contrary to the naysayers there was no post-run thirst for a brew-ha-ha, instead running home. Fast. However, when I returned, I realized I was running from temptation. Dinner: Not that hungry, just an easy salad with squash, zucchini, cucumber, and tomatoes. Turns out I really enjoy depriving myself. That said, I’m exhausted. It’s been a long week and I need to pack.