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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Friday Quote - Climate Action Day

"The scientific method has successfully identified the biggest problem the world has ever faced. It's worked great. The political method has not worked so well. In fact it's lurching toward something between abject and embarrassing failure." - Bill McKibben talking about climate change.

Less than six weeks from today, world leaders will gather in Copenhagen, Denmark, for the U.N. Climate Change Conference and negotiate a treaty to cut global warming pollution. If this conference is going to succeed, we need to keep putting pressure on our government to commit to bold climate action.

One way you can lend your support is by showing up to the north end of the blue Howard St. Bridge at NOON TOMORROW to take part in the International Day of Climate Action, which is being coordinated by  Come join with your Spokane area neighbors to stand together and call for world leaders to set a sane and science-based climate action policy.  We will have our picture taken holding a huge “350” banner, and our event photo will be shared (on with local, national and international political leaders and joined with photos from all around the world to show delegates to the Copenhagen Conference, urging them to be motivated by recent science to give all peoples and plant and animal species the best chance possible to survive the climate changes that have already begun.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.