Center For Justice attorney says state dragging its feet in cleanup
Attorney Rick Eichstaedt is taking care of business. As the new Spokane Riverkeeper, he recently sent a letter to Washington Department of Ecology Director Jay Manning that focused on regulatory problems and environmental disregard from Spokane River polluters.
“(A)ny permits issued for the Spokane River will need to include water quality-based limits for PCBs regardless of whether a TMDL [“Total Maximum Daily Load”] is completed and the TMDL is the best tool for determining these limits,” Eichstaedt wrote. “The lack of a completed TMDL cannot legally be used as an excuse to delay the establishment of these limits.” Also, the county’s new sewage treatment plant could face another legal challenge unless Ecology and river dischargers are in compliance with water quality standards.
DTE is thankful we have Eichstaedt looking out for the river. Full story HERE.
(Another important fact from the article that highlights a cause for alarm: A new EPA report on the state of toxic chemicals in Columbia Basin published earlier this year noted that while PCB concentrations in Spokane River fish have come down since the early 1990s due to pollution prevention steps, PCB concentrations in rainbow trout are still well above the EPA Human Health Guideline for fish of 5.3 parts per billion.)
PCB's are often found in housing caulk. Yum. Eat if you dare...