Planet Forward - an online public square
"Planet Forward is public affairs programming for the next generation - think innovation, not pontification."
What do you think the fix is for the nation's energy future? And if you had a soapbox, what would you say, and how would you say it? Planet Forward, a new innovative, viewer-driven television program that will air on PBS is giving you the opportunity - an online public square. But this isn't any regular program, Planet Forward starts with you, and your ideas. Submit your ideas online about our energy future - whether it be in a video, photo essay, poem, song, story, op-ed piece, whatever, just make your ideas heard. This is a critical time, the first 100 days of President Obama's administration - now is the time to get creative and table all ideas, from all parts of the country, from all walks of life. Planet Forward will then judge the submmissions in three categories; most informative; most persuasive; and most creative. The Planet Forward television special will air on PBS on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 8pm ET/PT (check local listings).