Envision a government for the people
Envision Spokane, a measure to amend the Spokane City Charter with a Community Bill of Rights, will be decided by the voters - as determined on Monday by a vote at the City Council meeting. Though the vote was 5-2 (bet you can't guess the againsts?) in favor of allowing the measure to proceed to the ballot, all seven council members were vocal in their hesitation - with only Councilman Rush and Councilman Corker sounding at all capable of understanding the magnitude of this type of change.
Envision Spokane offers a monumental opportunity for there to be government for the people of Spokane. Among the nine rights is one for the environment, yes, the environment. We had to repeat it since apparently for some it's hard to grasp - yes you KREM2.
"The ballot measure, entitled “Envisioning a Sustainable Spokane: A Community Bill of Rights,” is a sweeping document that would change the city charter to guarantee city residents new economic, health care, energy use, land use and employment rights. It would also guarantee rights to ecosystems–including groundwater and surface water which would be given the rights to flow and retain water quality sufficient to sustain wild plants and animals “and to provide clean drinking water," as written in an article published by the Center for Justice yesterday.