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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

DTE coffee in Afghanistan— Tuesday Video

An unexpected and heartwarming video was posted at the Spokane Food Blog yesterday from our friend Geneva in Kabul, Afghanistan. She entered a DOMA/DTE coffee promotion by submitting a daily tip and winning a free bag of the DTE blend (and a tote bag), and brought it along for the adventure. She shared the goods with some friends, and one kind gentleman in particular, Sardar, gave us the best review we’ve ever had. “I like the Bart and Paul coffee, it is very good and tasty…you should make the tea.” Here’s to Geneva and Sardar: Thanks!

DTE Coffee in Afghanistan from Remi Olsen on Vimeo.

Go check out the site, and Geneva’s incredible correspondence

Spokane Food Blog posts refreshingly honest restaurant reviews and DTE has a bit of a blog rivalry stemming from several food challenges or 7 x 7 for those keeping score at home. Basically, a group of local misfits undertake culinary self-punishment, and document the despair on our respective blogs in an effort to be #1. It’s always entertaining. Does this mean our battles over the touchy subject of food are over?

Go here for the DOMA/DTE coffee.

Sardar DTE

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.