Eco Nerds at heart
DTE really admires those who spend little time online. Now that may sound strange coming from us, being that your presence on the internet is essential to our sustainability, but it’s true. It’s been years since we’ve been able to sit down in front of the computer and just check our email, or just check the score of the game.
Each time our fingers touch the keyboard, it’s a chaotic dance of key strokes, mouse clicks and rolls, and new tab and window openings. And just when we thought we’ve exhausted every genre on YouTube (we just got into street performers, awesome!), and every episode of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia – Google unleashes an update to the biggest online time suck of all time – Google Earth.
As The New York Times reports, “the new version of Google Earth allows users to mouse around under and over the seas, click on video clips of hydrothermal vents, read up on which seafoods are being harvested unsustainably, look at marine dead zones and sanctuaries and the like.” But what DTE found most intriguing was the feature that let us scroll back through time for a look at coastal lines and forests of the past for perspective on the human impact of natural resources. Go have fun diving deep into the ocean for a look at old ship wrecks and coral reefs and spend a few minutes considering the impact of humans on natural resources – preferably you. It’s a wild world out there, and Google has it all on your screen.
For a bit of opportune contradiction – DTE has recently switched from Google Search to We had our love affair with Blackle, only to learn that we were cheated on, and then came the inevitable revert back to the comfortable Google, where we weren’t safe either. But now we’re happy to announce that we have fired up a monogamous relationship with a search engine that plants trees for all the searches that suck up electricity and put off CO2. Using Yahoo search technology, Ecosearch helps reforesting trees and safeguard water resources in the Amazon region.