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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Unconventional means to convey the climate challenge

Our favorite climate blogger Andrew Revkin of The New York Times recently turned us on to Marc Roberts, who he calls his favorite "environmental blogtoonist".  So naturally, and as the saying (adapted here) goes - any favorite of Andrew Revkin is a favorite of DTE.  In a recent cartoon, Roberts illustrates what he forsees happening in Copenhagen next week.  It's a funny take on who will be represented - with the corportate lobby team as the "overall favorites" (as depicted below)  Click HERE to see the full set of panels.  And continue reading past the comic strip for more on this post.

See more Marc Roberts HERE. 

The Carbon Bathtub.  Our good friend Paul Haeder - local educator, writer, blogger, radio host, and rabble rouser recently introduced us to an illustration from National Geographic.  Paul had this to say about the illustration: "It's about narrative framing and systems thinking. Again. Cognitive limitations created by our plugged in society to grasp a simple illustration on how much carbon and GHG's we create versus how much the earth systems can absorb. It's sobering? This cognitive dissonance caused by superficial and unobjective media? By the dwindling K-12 education? By a consumer-driven society? By the Five E's of sustainability -- equity, environment, education, energy and economy driven by greedy economics?"  Click past the jump for the illustration and more. 

The Carbon Bathtub. It’s simple, really: As long as we pour CO2 into the atmosphere faster than nature drains it out, the planet warms. And that extra carbon takes a long time to drain out of the tub.


Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.