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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Best of 2008: Photos

This is the first entry in DTE's year end roundup. We've decided to change things up a bit from our original plan. On Friday and Saturday we will run our best stories list and what's coming up in 2009, respectively.

We started the year with a big snow storm and we're ending the year virtually the same way - only more intense. As we spent time recently going through old photos it became hard to look at the images of late January when Spokane and the Inland Northwest got blanketed with snow, in what we all thought was one of the crazier snow storms we'd ever seen, and not think how nice we had it back then.  We once again remain buried amidst feet of snow and winter has just begun.  But there is nothing like a fresh coat of snow to paint the landscape in a fresh, new light.  Trees look more prominent, the rays of the sun shine differently and the sounds of nature are amplified.  With this in mind last Saturday was as good as time as any to snowshoe through the Downriver Disc Golf Course. Aside from a few critter tracks, the landscape was immaculate.

>>>Since we are experiencing several technical difficulities today with photos and slideshows - please click THIS LINK  to view our slideshow presentation of Downriver Disc Golf Course Under Snow.


Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.