What happens when a group of misfit local bloggers get together? They produce the ultimate pocketbook and tie a ribbon through it for display on a tin Christmas tree. (Almost like “Festivus.”) They screen the cheesy time-capsule “Hackers.” Freed from their secure digital veil, they excitedly chat…face to face!
That was the scene last Saturday night at the Magic Lantern for the previously mentioned "Spokane Blog Bible" release party, an event which brought a thematically diverse collective together, and further motivated our nascent community involvement. It was a fun project and we were happy to be included. Here are the participating blogs:
Down To Earth
SpokanaramaThe SpovangelistCycling Spokane7,000Shallow CogitationsOut There MonthlySpokane SkepticBlush ResponseThe Inland EchoGet Out North IdahoSkywalk Sensations
A few photos after the jump.
John Speare of Cycling Spokane (L) and Friends Of The Falls/DTE enthusiast Travis Nichols (R).
Hank of "Shallow Cogitations" in deep thought.
DTE listens to the Inland Echo.
Local garbologist Gabriel Brown asks Nicole from Blush Response about the medieval artwork. And it looks awesome.
Andrew Zahler, with his girlfriend Mariko, is ecstatic for an autograph. We’re like Beatles to him. The Lennon-McCartney of environmental blogging. A hit machine.
“Hackers.” Wow. The 1995 movie’s tagline is “Boot Up or Shut Up.” It begins with a drop in the New York Stock Exchange, and then jumps to Angelina Jolie playing a character named “Acid Burn” and problems at an oil company. If we only knew.
All in all, the night was a success. Now, it's on to the next project.
The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.