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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth archive for Dec. 8, 2008

MONDAY, DEC. 8, 2008

Another Green Monday

EWU Rec Center awarded LEED gold certification In what seems like forever ago (2005), Down To Earth voted in a special election as students at Eastern Washington University to approve student funding for a state of the art recreation center. Little did we know back…

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Conservation Northwest plans for next year

Thinking ahead, Conservation Northwest has named it’s top priorities for 2009, hoping to connect and protect old growth and other wild areas across the state. Without further adieu: ---We will introduce and pass a management plan including wilderness designation for the Colville National Forest in…

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Saved by the blog

What happens when a group of misfit local bloggers get together? They produce the ultimate pocketbook and tie a ribbon through it for display on a tin Christmas tree. (Almost like “Festivus.”) They screen the cheesy time-capsule “Hackers.” Freed from their secure digital veil, they…

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Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.