David Laird Memorial
Dave Laird has passed away. Today marks the end of a wonderful and marvelous life of a giant gentleman. David always started and ended his conversations with "It's another day in Paradise."
Dave Laird has passed away. Today marks the end of a wonderful and marvelous life of a giant gentleman. David always started and ended his conversations with "It's another day in Paradise."
My Tentative Declaration of Freedom Regarding HIPPA This voyage of my tiny boat will perhaps be one of the most difficult and simultaneously one of the most technically-demanding and difficult articles I have written. Nearly everyone has heard of or may even have a passing...
There is an old adage that goes something like “...small ships should stay close to safe harbors”, and for the first time in my life I suddenly recognize that ominous feeling of being in dangerous or unknown waters. I am somewhat constrained by spending most…
She did it again. Ruth Berning, that goddess of everything that is considered fit to be consumed by the humble masses at Adult Day Health, has once again unknowingly invaded my most private moments where few dare to tread, and it all began through the…
The media is filled with it. A legion of younger hungry single men all foam at the mouth upon command at the thought of it. Even that wonderfully-obscure male bastion of societal correctness, the Super Bowl, is filled to over-filled with only thinly vague references…
Good afternoon Netizens... I settle back into my chair to reflect over the last few days since I last have written and to my utter satisfaction I have accomplished more than I thought I could. With the aid of Sister Barb, I have satisfactorily walked…
Good morning, Netizens... I wrote the following post for Facebook, but since so many people have contacted me about it, I decided to share it with folks via Community Comment, since typing still is very frustrating and SLOW. Here it is... Life, for me, has...
Dave returns...
Good morning Netizens... Yes ,your eyes are not deceiving you. I am once more sitting at the keyboard with an evil gleam in my eye. I am not quite up to snuff, as I am still having trouble typing, but things are definitely looking up...
Good evening Netizens! Well, good news all the way around! According to the doctors there is no sign of infection in my foot at this time; they eliminated it with one blast of antibiotics, some good care by the doctors and a lot of prayers…
Good evening Netizens! Well, good news all the way around! According to the doctors there is no sign of infection in my foot at this time; they eliminated it with one blast of antibiotics, some good care by the doctors and a lot of prayers…
Good morning Netizens... During my prolonged absence I have endured a double heart bypass surgery, three heart shutdowns, a four month stay at a nursing/long term care facility and have nearly lost all control of my right hand fingers during and since my heart shutdown.…
Happy New Year! First day of the year!!! A clean slate. An actual "Do-Over". A day when my resolutions will be 100% successful! This year, though, I simplified my resolution(s) to simply count my blessings all day long. Also, to be joyful; to be kind;…
[One more story from Dave, while he is recuperating and recovering and healing ~ Jeanie] Good evening, Netizens and friends... As a writer and journalist, I strive each year to create vivid characters that reach out to your imagination, to indwell in your consciousness and…
[Another installment of one of Dave's Christmas stories. (He is recuperating very well, prayers for continued healing and recovery are very much appreciated.) ~ Jeanie] Good morning, Netizens... Like other Christmas stories I have written over the years, this is an excerpt from what I…
[Another entry of Dave Laird's Christmas stories, this one entitled "The Christmas Present." Dave is improving daily, but very slowly. He is in his second week at North Idaho Advanced Care Hospital in Post Falls. Visitors are welcome. Please send a card to Dave Laird,…
[From co-blogmeister Jeanie: While Dave is recovering from a heart attack and bypass surgery and several other ailments, I am posting some of his Christmas Stories for your enjoyment. The following is from December 18, 2012.] The China Doll Written by Dave Laird November 22,…
This is a prayer request for Dave Laird. I count Dave as one of my best friends. If you are lucky enough to have him as a friend, you will always be respected, loved, and valued. He is gregarious, eccentric, boisterous, and he beats to…
Good morning, Netizens.... Depending upon where you live, last night's thunderstorm/severe thunderstorm may have been an anti-climax. Of course if you have ever lived in the Midwest or portions of the Deep South, perhaps you already have a good first-hand knowledge of what a severe…
How I broke my back and survived to tell the tale, the short version .I slipped in the shower and fell on my patjunkus, and unbeknown to me, I had serious and advanced oteoporosis which how I came to shatter one of my lumbar vertebrae…
Good Evening, Netizens and all the populace of Dave Laird's Virtual Ballroom. Dave has had a really rough 12 months - the final piece of this roller coaster ride is culminating in a procedure to fuse a vertebrae that he somehow broke a couple months…
Good afternoon Netizens... July 13, 2013 Word of the Day fungible \FUN-juh-bul\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : being of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in the satisfaction of an obligation 2 : interchangeable 3…
Good morning Netizens... July 12, 2013 thwart \THWORT\ DEFINITION verb 1 a : to run counter to so as to effectively oppose or baffle b : to oppose successfully : defeat the hopes or aspirations of 2 : to pass through or across EXAMPLES At…
Good morning Netizens... I have been absent without leave for some time now, partially because my health hasn't been up to the standards set by Clark Kent during his brief sojourn as a journalist while leaping over tall buildings. In fact, I'm still trying to…
Good evening Netizens...] May 15, 2013 Word of the Day down \DOWN\ DEFINITION noun 1 : an undulating generally treeless upland with sparse soil — usually used in plural b plural and often capitalized : treeless chalk uplands along the south and southeast coast of…
Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.