Fix when ready
How I broke my back and survived to tell the tale, the short version .I slipped in the shower and fell on my patjunkus, and unbeknown to me, I had serious and advanced oteoporosis which how I came to shatter one of my lumbar vertebrae into a bazillion little pieces. For a short time afterward I could not walk; in fact I could not sit comfortably on anything that a normal human would consider fit for use. I lay in bed, miserable, scared and frustrated for over three weeks, unable to do more than call people by phone.
Things are getting better, for at least the last few days now I can huddle in bed with my laptop computer and am cogent enough that I can once more participate with the rest of the world. I still cannot drive and walking is still out of the question.
One week from this Monday at 1:30 PM I am surrendering myself to a fine bone doctor for an MRI bone scan. Some medical sources tell me that with therapy I could be as good as new. Other sources say not so fast fat boy.
I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.
Thanks to Susan Waters, Jeanie and others for all their thoughts and care.