Pillow talk…
Good morning, Netizens...
Just as an aside, if you are contemplating your typical departure for work this morning, you might want to carefully consider your options in our lovely community. That's because overnight it rained, which promptly froze to the streets and sidewalks in many areas. Judging by the number of spin-offs, wrecks and general mayhem taking place in this morning's commute, I would suggest in a mild-mannered fashion that before you hit the streets you might want to take a test stroll down your favorite street and see just how slick it really is where you live, and then readjust your itinerary accordingly.
I cannot stand upright on either my sidewalk nor on Morton this morning, and I have no idea how long it will be before the forecasted warmer temperatures arrive to eliminate the worst icing I have seen since Ice Storm.
Either take your chances or walk to work and wear a plump pillow on your behind. Now that might work.