Jeanie of Spokane in hospital…
Good evening, Netizens...
I spoke with Jeanie of Spokane's significant other, Mechanic Man, this evening to see how Jeanie was doing in her post-operation recovery. In case you hadn't been following the news relating to Jeanie, today she had both her kidneys removed as they no longer were functioning.
One of my first questions I asked Jeanie several weeks ago, feeling rather stupid about it was, “how do you continue living without your kidneys?”
I was aware that Jeanie has been on kidney dialysis for months and months, and as her kidneys had decreased their functionality to the point where they had ceased operating, the decision was made to remove them both, a decision which one never takes very lightly. The answer to my question was simply that one continues with dialysis and hope for a kidney transplant, should a donor become available.
So tonight as another beautiful summer's day comes to an end, I hold Jeanie fondly in my thoughts, praying all the time for her speedy recovery.