Words of the day
Word of the Day for Thursday, July 12, 2012
paronymous \puh-RON-uh-muhs\, adjective:
Containing the same root or stem, as the words wise and wisdom.
The sentence seems to reverberate with echoes of
assonance—another distinctive trait of Haweke's writing often
enriched with alliterative patterns or even rhymes—on both sides
of the two central words: "pale petal," whose juxtaposition
involves an anagramatical and paronymous variation.
-- Heide Ziegler, Facing Texts
This in itself is a significant achievement in a language so
flowery and paronymous to the extent that exaggeration,
especially at that time of its literary history, is widely
considered to be one of its inherent characteristics.
-- Sabry Hafez, The Quest for Identities
Paronymous stems from the Greek roots para- meaning "beside" and
onoma meaning "a name."