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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment archive for July 10, 2012

TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012

Words of the Day Word of the Day Tuesday, July 10, 2012 ectopic \ ek-TOP-ik \ , adjective; 1. Occurring in an abnormal position or place; displaced. Quotes: It does not appear that any modern author, or any of our large numbers of "systems" of surgery, has…

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A Word A Day ends...

Good afternoon, Netizens... It is with profound sadness that I must announce that the daily item known to one and all as A Word A Day will no longer be carried by Community Comment due to a copyright violation. Simply because I truly worship the…

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Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.