One down, one to go…

Good morning, Netizens...
I plead guilty to having all but abandoned my duties as moderator of Community Comment in favor of watching and listening to the Republican National Convention. Most of it was, as I expected, an endless litany of self-congratulatory speeches in favor of the Republican Party Platform and diatribes against President Obama with occasional fits of humor and wisdom thrown in. Despite the fact I am opposed to the conservative philosophy of which she spoke, I relished the speech given by Condoleezza Rice because it made several forays into several areas where, in my opinion, the Republican Party has traditionally fallen quite short.
However, as if the planners of this convention were saving the best for last, I especially relished the speech last night given by Clint Eastwood. Apparently unscripted, performed without a teleprompter, Eastwood's sometimes rambling monologue left audience members scrambling to keep up with his train of thought. Still, despite the number of times he seemed to be losing track of his thesis, such as his gag of using an empty chair to represent speaking directly to Barack Obama, he nevertheless floundered his way through his speech in a workmanship-like manner, and closed stronger than I had originally expected he would.
When Mitt Romney took the podium for his acceptance speech, I must admit I was ambivalent over what I was about to hear. Aside from the aforementioned self-congratulatory BS that seems to happen with every national political convention regardless of its party politics, I might be wrong but I believe if elected, Mitt Romney will take us to a new war. Perhaps this new conflagration will be in a different country than either one we are currently engaged with for a change. If we are lucky, we might finish both of the two wars where we are already engaged before we start the new war.
In a similar vein of thought the Republican platform scares the crap out of me, because of the various controversial stands they have already taken with their party platform. Of course, I am not enthralled by whatever the Democratic National Convention might have for their political platform, either.
As the self-appointed title of this piece suggests, it's one down and one to go. At least now that the Republican National Convention has dumped its balloons on the floor, we all have a much better understanding of where Mitt Romney stands on the issues, right?
Of course, your opinions may differ.