Marty Hibbs takes two shots…
Good morning, Netizens...
It comes as no surprise that yesterday morning, while over coffee at one of our favorite dining places, I learned that my friend of many years, Marty Hibbs, recently had a serious heart attack while in Scared Heart Hospital, and had to have his heart jump started twice. According to Marty, he now has a new defibrillator and pacemaker installed, and is apparently currently as well as one could be expected to be, given the new hardware.
According to Mr. Hibbs, if anyone were keeping score, that is four heart attacks for him, compared to my humble three. Egods! Just recently, I just passed an electrocardiogram, which purportedly gives me a new lease on life, but it does appear to me that Mr. Hibbs and I appear to be having a cardiac race to see who can get out of life and into the Community Ballroom of ghosts first.
Wouldn't that be wonderful for Sweet Jeanie, Marty and I all to be reunited on the other side of the curtain of life with nothing to do but sip espresso, write invisibly, listening to the great minds of the Universe while the Ballroom Dancers whirl around the Grand Ballroom and the orchestra plays on?
(Huge sigh...) We have to believe in something, don't we?