Virtual Bliss
In a phone conversation today, Dave and I discussed the Virtual Ballroom, which hasn’t been seen for several months now. I’m sure you have missed it. Some have made comments about its whereabouts. You know these virtual ballrooms – they have a mind of their own and can go off on little adventures without any of the rest of us being any wiser.
But I chanced to catch it on one of its whirl-by blitzes. I slowed it down a bit and spent a rainy afternoon creating the Virtual Bliss Room in the ballroom – over there behind the fire-engine-red bar. It’s the doorway with all the sparkly lights seemingly floating in and out of the door edges. Those lights are made of magic. They know the passenger walking within. They recognize you as their most favorite person in the whole world. As you enter the doorway, they envelope you in a holy warmth that fills you with peace, happiness, contentment.
Once you enter, you are beckoned to a huge overstuffed recliner that hugs you and embraces you, carrying over that spirit-like warmth from the doorway lights.
If you are tired; you feel refreshed and renewed
If you are sad; you feel like you had a really good cry
If you are anxious; you feel relaxed and soothed
If you feel achy all over; you feel like you just had the best massage you ever had
The chair, the lights, the room itself flow over you, replenishing you, revitalizing you, caring for you, understanding you.
You now have experienced Virtual Bliss. Meaning you effectively have reached the pinnacle of harmony and happiness.
Enjoy your mini-spa.