Donald Trump for President … maybe…

Good morning, Netizens...
Donald Trump as a Republican candidate for President? Say, come to think of it, Trump might trump all the other Republican candidates who are running for office. He’s not a repeat candidate from 2008, like Huckabee and Romney. He’s not a plodding doofus with low name recognition, like Pawlenty and Daniels. But most of all, he’s a source of even more outrageous fun and constant source of gaffes than Palin or Bachmann. The best part is he doesn’t hide from hostile interviewers and predictably opens his mouth to say whatever strikes his mind, without regard for its political correctness or disinformation.
After all, he has this certain panache, ignoring the number of bankruptcies associated with his successes. He has been married to some of the most utterly garishly beautiful women in the world, and divorced them in spectacular fashion.
He's already done a quick flip-flops on abortion to satisfy the Religious Right Wing, and has stated he regularly attends church on Christmas and Easter. He changed his whistle from praise for President Obama to exaggerated claims that Obama was borne in Kenya.
Can you imagine Trump moving into the White House? That idea strikes me as twisted as his hairdo, but then I am somewhat astounded at the number of Republicans who have suddenly begun warming to the idea despite the number of Trump's ex-wives.
Suddenly I have a vision of Trump with his latest trophy-class wife moving into the White House, with the coalition of those Republicans who voted him into office, and their first move would be to redecorate it in garish casino gold with gambling tables installed in the Press Room to better satiate members of the press anxiously awaiting his next press statement.
Oh, Lordy, we could have lots of fun watching the next Republican Presidential candidate election.