In a phone conversation today, Dave and I discussed the Virtual Ballroom, which hasn’t been seen for several months now. I’m sure you have missed it. Some have made comments about its whereabouts. You know these virtual ballrooms – they have a mind of their…
Good morning, Netizens... Why am I not surprised? Deputy Brian Hirzel acted in a reasonable manner when he shot a 74 year-old pastor in Spokane Valley last summer two different departmental reviews have stated. “Deputy Brian Hirzel’s use of force in this incident was reasonable…
Good morning, Netizens... Few of you may remember the late Reverend David Wilkerson, an Assembly of God minister and founder of World Challenge Ministries, who was killed Wednesday in a car accident in East Texas. Perhaps he was best known for having written The Cross…
Good morning, Netizens... Late yesterday and throughout the night last night, parts of Alabama and Mississippi were decimated by a series of violent tornadoes that ranged from an estimated F4 or F5 on the Fujita Scale that hit Tuscaloosa, Huntsville and Birmingham, such as this…
Good morning, Netizens... Occasionally Spokesman-Review writer Jonathan Brunt hits a news story dead on, and in this morning's paper, his coverage of last night's City Council meeting just about got the job done. The Red Light scenario, of putting red light cameras on as many…
Good morning, Netizens... Mssr. Hibbs and I will be holding one of our impromptu meetings at our favorite breakfast eatery this morning beginning about 9:00 AM. Military coups, City Council uprising and other states of affairs are on the agenda, so come if you dare.…
Good afternoon, Netizens... Here we have the Unofficial Earth Day flag, by John McConnell: the blue marble on a blue background. It has come to represent Earth Day, which has been observed since April 22, 1970 and is now observed on April 22 each year…
Good morning, Netizens... Donald Trump as a Republican candidate for President? Say, come to think of it, Trump might trump all the other Republican candidates who are running for office. He’s not a repeat candidate from 2008, like Huckabee and Romney. He’s not a plodding…
Good morning, Netizens... This is Disaster Preparedness Month. In keeping with Governor Christine Gregoire's request for a statewide earthquake drill at 9:45 AM Wednesday morning, promptly on time I crawled beneath my desk, covering my head with one hand, and held onto the desk leg…
Good evening, Netizens... I think I might have an issue, our dysfunctional congress, where cartoonist David Horsey and most of the people reading it may agree. Granted, I do not know for a fact that the event as depicted by Horsey actually ever occurred, but…
Good morning, Netizens... Living in the Pacific Northwest, there are many who wonder at people who, after loading down their vehicles with an imponderable stack of highly-technical equipment, and taking their lives in their hands, go chasing severe storms in other areas of the country.…
Good morning, Netizens... The headline in this David Horsey cartoon reads, “Americans keep Confederates in the attic, Slaves in the cellar,” but unfortunately, the picture depicts the American family in the attic, yet the younger generation has uncovered the desiccated skeleton of a slave in…
Good morning, Netizens... According to cartoonist David Horsey, the art of hostage taking as taught by Republican U.S. House Speaker John Boehner is a good study in brinksmanship, in my opinion. Given the amount of hyperbole and grandstanding involved over the previous weeks, it would…
Good evening, Netizens... One of America's most-nauseously self-serving members of the right wing ideologues has left the television stations that launched him into American hearts and minds, and with his departure from Fox Television, Glenn Beck has closed the door on what I personally felt…
Good morning, Netizens... The Department of Justice has informed the Seattle Police Department they are investigating whether Seattle officers have engaged in a pattern of unnecessary force and biased policing. Police Chief John Diaz (pictured) met with the Seattle Times Editorial Board Friday and informed…