David Elton goes to trial…
Good morning, Netizens...
This morning, at long last, I will be testifying at the trial of David Elton for the prosecution. Approximately 600 days ago, this sordid affair called the case of Washington State Versus David Elton began, based upon an e-mail message written by David Elton February 6, 2009. Since that time, there have been multiple schedule changes to the court docket; Elton has fired a long list of lawyers and various judges have recused themselves but at last we are here, ready for a jury trial.
While I am not going to disclose my testimony at this point in time, suffice it to say that upon completion of the trial I will post excerpts of the original e-mail message so that you can judge for yourselves what his intentions at that time were. I do not believe now, after this passage of time, that justice would be best served by incarcerating Elton. This comes hard on the words of County Prosecutor Dale Nagy who, yesterday in a phone call informed me that I should not testify that Elton is bi-polar, although Elton takes enough psychotropic drugs to flatten an ox upright on its tail with its eyes crossed.
Among other luminaries slated to testify for the prosecution, Dr. John Olsen, City Council President Joe Shogan and Betsy Cowles to name a few. There is enough printed paper involved in this court case that we could paste the entire interior walls of Judge Moreno's Court Room. We could call it interior decoration, were it not so macabre or such a waste of the taxpayer's money.
So, hitch up your knickers folks, because here we are, going to trial.