Spewing on Capitol Hill
Good morning, Netizens...
After watching the news briefs from today as the CEO Hayward of British Petroleum took on the U.S. Congress, I wasn't certain whether it was a waste of my time either listening to the questions in the news footage or waiting for the answers that didn't seem to come. In view of this David Horsey cartoon, the question seems to be, when will the spewing end? Tony Hayward did not seem to have any answers, and most of the Congressional panel seemed more interested in their chances for re-election than how to solve the problems.
I also read about how the dolphins and other sea-life have moved much closer to the shore, as if they were attempting to evade the oil. Thus it makes Horsey's cartoon more relevant. If this oil spill continues unimpeded I imagine in my imagination a time that might come when giant whales, dolphins and various other species of fish all line the shores of the Gulf, their hindquarters nearly aground in the surf line, gazing out to the sea they once called home at the encroaching sludge line.
If that unthinkable time ever comes, and I deeply pray it does not, we will still have all the promises, lies and obfuscation of BP spewing into our minds each day. The talking heads of television news will be reciting the same old hackneyed questions and frustration at BP continuing to mount.