Sporadic outage(s) yesterday…
Good morning, Netizens...
Since I am already up, have fresh coffee and since the Spokesman's web site is once again speaking proper network-ese, I suppose I should apologize to everyone for the temporary meltdown which took place sporadically yesterday, with the result that no one could connect to Community Comment, the Spokesman-Review, nor the other Blogs throughout parts of yesterday.
This was not the first, nor do I suspect it will be the last event, as this appears to be a Domain Name Server hack, if my diagnostic skills haven't entirely lost their edge. I could be wrong, but although this has been taking place over the last few months, I suspect there is no canned repair which will prevent it from happening in the future. In the parlance of our times, the technical staff are working on a solution. Which is to say, they will fix it whenever it happens again and again and again.
We are inexorably bound to one another by tiny pieces of the greater All, and when one of these pieces of DNS fall into disrepair, the entire kit and caboodle ends up on the network floor, smoking, choking and spewing its pieces of electronic data everywhere but where it is supposed to go. Expressed a different way, regardless of how incredibly fast your computer may go, without a road map to tell you where to travel, you go nowhere at all.
So we march onward into the vacuousness of space.