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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

David Letterman meets David Horsey…

David Horsey,,
David Letterman takes a bow... (The Spokesman-Review)
David Horsey,, David Letterman takes a bow... (The Spokesman-Review)

Good evening, Netizens...

Who in our midst could have possibly averted the news about David Letterman's sordid affairs with his staff members. DISCLAIMER: This, of course, all took place BEFORE he was married to another staff member. The fact remains he apparently had a conga line of willing stage girls willing to share saliva and other bodily fluids with him, based upon several sources.

Somehow I knew in the darkest corners of my febrile mind that the extraordinary cartoonist David Horsey could not simply let David Letterman's admitted gaffes pass by unnoticed.

What is there about the mindset of male public officials, bureaucrats and television and movie stars that makes them so predictably amoral about doing the Humpty-Bumpty, the lateral mombo, the twist and shout with a diversity of women?

I think my grandma had it about right when she said, “Mischief. That's what they're all up to, is just mischief. One trip out to the corn cob shed with grandpa's belt will take the edge off testosterone.”

Was Grandma right?


Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.