Why did Sarah Palin quit?
Good morning, Netizens...
If you are not already tired of reading about Michael Jackson, perhaps David Horsey's cartoon this morning will suggest new directions in which to vent your spleen. Just why did Alaska's governor, Sarah (the Diva) Palin quit? Boy, that seems like a good way to get the day rumbling off in unpredictable directions to me. Here are some of the ideas that have sprung to mind:
She already needs a new wardrobe. No hundred-thousand dollar shopping sprees while she is governor, nope. She has to have the assistance of the Republican National Party for those kinds of expense accounts. That may come later on.
She wants to replace either Rush or Hannity as the acknowledged leader of the Republican right-wing news media with her new talk show to be called “Sarah Palin Rambles”.
Her stud muffin husband Todd says, although fishing has been good this year, why don't we have another baby? As ridiculous as that might seem, I wouldn't put it beyond either of them. After all, they have good health insurance for the moment.
As soon as Governor Palin gets out of being the Governor of Alaska, perhaps she will just settle beneath the news media radar screens in Wasilla, Alaska, maybe read a few good books, do a little fishing, some hunting, or maybe even write a few books, other than the one she is ostensibly working on now.
Last but far from least, she might even start her Presidential aspirations.
So what do you think Sarah Palin will do once she is no longer the Governor of Alaska? Do you have any juicy theories you'd like to share?